Thursday, December 22, 2011

Install eclipse SDK 3.7.1 on Ubuntu

arranged by Oman (from

adopted for Ubuntu

- download eclipse-SDK-3.7.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz

>> root mode
sudo -i
>> locate eclipse-SDK-3.7.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz
>> untar SDK on /opt
tar -xvzf eclipse-SDK-3.7.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz -C /opt
>> add permission for /opt/eclipse
chmod -R +r /opt/eclipse
>> create executable file
touch /usr/bin/eclipse
chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse
nano -w /usr/bin/eclipse
>> add following to file
export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
>> create shortcut
>> open shortcut
gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
>> add/replace the existing with following
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse SDK 3.7.1

>> call from commandline: eclipse
>> or from desktop shortcut

Friday, October 21, 2011

Instalasi Webserver di Ubuntu

melalui terminal, ketik
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

kemungkinan Anda akan menemukan masalah:
E: Unable to locate package lamp-server

hal ini dikarenakan kurang lengkap menuliskannya, perhatikan ada tanda topi (^) di ujung, jadi pengetikannya harus lengkap dengan tanda topi:
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ (DENGAN ^)


Thursday, October 20, 2011

No USB listed on add printer UBUNTU

If you can't find usb when add device printer, please use:

URI: parallel:/dev/usb/lp0

select proper printer driver, and test the page.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Powerpoint error di Linux Ubuntu

Penyelesaian ini untuk pengguna Linux Ubuntu yang masih menggunakan MS Office melalui Wine, dan mendapatkan error:
"Power point failed to start correctly last time....."

Jika ada error saat memanggil MS Powerpoint dari wine Linux Ubuntu, silakan lakukan langkah berikut:
  1. Application - Wine - Configure Wine
  2. klik tab Libraries
  3. pada combo, cari library "riched20" (riched20.dll)
  4. pilih riched20, klik add
  5. rubah override menjadi native (windows)
  6. buka lagi MS Powerpoint