- user: root
- pass: astlinux
to add new client:
- goto /etc/asterisk
- add new client:
- type: vi /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
- to know about references about editing using vi, visit http://www.ungerhu.com/jxh/vi.html
- edit the sip.conf, for adding new client:
- give new caller id as sample :
- [123] --> the client name
- type=friend --> this client can use the PABX
- username=123
- secret=123 --> the password
- host=dynamic
- save the sip.conf
- add new extension for PABX
- type: vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
- edit the extensions.conf, follow the last exten noticed there
to use the client:
1. install the VoIP client
2. add the asterisk IP address as gateway