Friday, June 1, 2012

Management Asterisk VOIP PABX

when you connect to your installed Asterisk VOIP PABX, use this connection as default:

  • user: root
  • pass: astlinux
to add new client:
  1. goto /etc/asterisk
  2. add new client:
    1. type: vi /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
    2. to know about references about editing using vi, visit
    3. edit the sip.conf, for adding new client:
      • give new caller id as sample :
        • [123]               --> the client name
        • type=friend     --> this client can use the PABX
        • username=123
        • secret=123      --> the password
        • host=dynamic
      • save the sip.conf
  3. add new extension for PABX
    1. type: vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
    2. edit the extensions.conf, follow the last exten noticed there
to use the client:
1. install the VoIP client
2. add the asterisk IP address as gateway

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Moving VirtualBox Files to Other Computer/Folder

to move a virtual box file to other folder or computer:

  1. find out your virtual box media using:
    1. on virtual box: click File - Media Manager
    2. you'll find list of (virtual) hardisks used
    3. click the (virtual) hardisk that you want to move
    4. look at the bottom, note the location of the file
  2. copy your file
    1. copy/cut virtual box file (file with extension .vdi)
    2. paste the file in new folder
  3. set virtual box to open the new location
    1. open virtual box application
    2. click on File - Virtual Media Manager, look at the Hardisk tab
    3. if the recent hardisk still exists:
      1. right click on the list you want to change the destination
      2. click release, answer 'YES' for the confirmation
    4. click 'ADD'
    5. locate to your .vdi file in your new location
    6. exit virtual media manager
    7. add your virtual machine
      1. in the main display of VirtualBox, click Machine - New
      2. click 'NEXT' when welcome screen displayed
      3. name your new virtual machine, you can type anything here, and will be displayed on list of virtual machine
      4. choose the OS Type and Version related
      5. adjust the virtual memory
      6. click 'Use existing hardisk', choose your virtual hardisk that has been set in step 3.5
      7. click Finish
  4. That's all, you can use your virtual machine now

Friday, May 25, 2012

PHPMyAdmin: Cannot start session without errors

sometimes we found this error when logging into PHP MyAdmin:
"Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly."

this because the sessions folder has been removed or restricted, do this steps:
1. check whether the folder /var/lib/php/sessions exists
2. if exists, then you need to run sudo chmod 0777 /var/lib/php/sessions from terminal
3. if the folder doesn't exist, then you need to create the folder manually:
    - cd /var/lib
    - sudo mkdir php
    - sudo chmod 0777 php
    - sudo mkdir sessions
    - sudo chmod 0777 sessions

then try to login via PHP MyAdmin again

VirtualBox can’t operate in VMX root mode. Please disable the KVM kernel extension, recompile your kernel and reboot (VERR_VMX_IN_VMX_ROOT_MODE).

when we start our virtual machine on VirtualBox VMs, if we found this error message:
VirtualBox can’t operate in VMX root mode. Please disable the KVM kernel extension, recompile your kernel and reboot (VERR_VMX_IN_VMX_ROOT_MODE)

do this steps from terminal:
1. sudo lsmod |grep kvm
2. sudo modprobe -r kvm_intel

check whether your virtual machine has normally function