Thursday, November 5, 2020

Install CANON PIXMA MP237 (MP230 series) UBUNTU 20.04

Prepare the multiarch-support
  1. download the package 



  2. install the package 
    sudo dpkg -i multiarch-support_2.27-3ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb

Prepare the libtiff4 (note: please be aware, you have to install libtiff4 not libtiff4-dev)
1. download appropriate libtiff4 from (mine is:

2. install the package 

sudo dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.7-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (replace with yours)

Prepare the libpng

1. add the repository: 
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
2. update:
sudo apt-get update
3. install the libpng12-0
sudo apt-get install libpng12-0

Install the MP237 driver
1. download driver from, the file should be a tar.gz format

2. unpack the driver (replace the cnijfilter-mp230series-3.80-1-deb.tar.gz with your downloaded file)
tar -zxvf cnijfilter-mp230series-3.80-1-deb.tar.gz
3. go to the directory
cd cnijfilter-mp230series-3.80-1-deb.tar.gz
4. run the install file
sudo ./install

congratulation, your MP237 series is installing