Thursday, November 5, 2020

Install CANON PIXMA MP237 (MP230 series) UBUNTU 20.04

Prepare the multiarch-support
  1. download the package 



  2. install the package 
    sudo dpkg -i multiarch-support_2.27-3ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb

Prepare the libtiff4 (note: please be aware, you have to install libtiff4 not libtiff4-dev)
1. download appropriate libtiff4 from (mine is:

2. install the package 

sudo dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.7-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (replace with yours)

Prepare the libpng

1. add the repository: 
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
2. update:
sudo apt-get update
3. install the libpng12-0
sudo apt-get install libpng12-0

Install the MP237 driver
1. download driver from, the file should be a tar.gz format

2. unpack the driver (replace the cnijfilter-mp230series-3.80-1-deb.tar.gz with your downloaded file)
tar -zxvf cnijfilter-mp230series-3.80-1-deb.tar.gz
3. go to the directory
cd cnijfilter-mp230series-3.80-1-deb.tar.gz
4. run the install file
sudo ./install

congratulation, your MP237 series is installing

Friday, September 11, 2020

Unusual Vlookup function of spreadsheet

 So far this function is only can be used on MS Excel and can not be applied to Google Spreadsheet which is has become my main daily tools for office activity.

As we all know, the VLOOKUP function using syntax:


Usually we use VLOOKUP function as seen below:                

the cell C5 would be formula to get the price of B4 refer to table F4:G7
using formula

But, how if we need to refer the value from an interval value?

For example we need to state a stated remark based on a given value:

How to do that?

I know you will implement the nested if function such as:


But I proposed you a different way to get the value using VLOOKUP function below:


I challenge you to try this

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Ubuntu 18.04 installation stucked at update-grub 66%

1. Press ctrl-alt-F2 to enter BusyBox Shell
2.  Do this things on your BusyBox Shell, kill the process id, change 21123 with displayed process id after you do ps

# ps | grep dmsetup | grep -v grep
21123   root   29466 S    dmsetup create -r osprober-linux-sdc9

# kill 21123
3. Back to installation windows by pressing ctrl-alt-F1
Wait a moment, your installation will continue

You can read the full explanation as I found it at